CBX Dashboard Widget

A wordpress plugins that creates dashboard notice for the user according to their role. Those can also be displayed via short-code like [cbx-notice] and there is a widget name Notice Widget to show those notice in different way in the website.


  • With CBXNotice custom post type you can add any number of notice for any role.
  • All the notice can be shown in the Dashboard section.
  • For public view of the notice, you can use short-code [cbx-notice] or the Notice Widget.
  • Details of the notice can be found on click of the notice title.
  • All the notice will be in list view.


These tools are used to make this plugin:

  • PHP - PHP language, Object-oriented approach.
  • jQuery - jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
  • jQuery-ui - jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.


  1. wordpress v3+ has to be installed on your system.
  2. Download the Dashboard-Wigdet-Plugin from this link.
  3. Unzip the file and place the unzipped folder to wp-content -> plugins folder of your wordprss.
  4. From the plugin tab activate the CBX Dashboard Widget.
  5. Now you are ready to use this plugin.


Want to contribute? Great!

If you find any bug or want ot improve it just fork on the git project and it will create a pull request I will accept it. Git Repo of this project

You can mail me if required.

Email address: utshab.roy@gmail.com

Find Me on social media


GPLv2 or later.

Free Software, Hell Yeah!